Ann Arbor Art Fair
The Ann Arbor Art Fair is Michigan’s largest outdoor art event. Taking place in the summer, it gathers every year around 500,000 enthusiastic visitors. The streets of Ann Arbor are lined with hundreds of booths exhibiting and selling artwork and hand-made decorative items. First launched more than 50 years ago to increase public appreciation of the arts, it is now 4 fairs running simultaneously. With more than 1,000 well-known and emergent artists displaying their work over the 4-day event, there is thus a tremendous range of exciting pieces to view and purchase at the Ann Arbor Fair. Contemporary art, artisan jewelry, wood crafts, ceramics, performance art and student pieces from the South University are offered to buy at all kind of prices. Street food and beer tents are there as well to complete the experience. The cheerful atmosphere conceived especially for families participates in making the fair a gathering event during summertime. Visitors who like outdoors fairs would also be interested in Art Fair on the Square.
Ann Arbor Art Fair 2023
Downtown Ann Arbor
Ann Arbor
United States
20 – 22 July 2023
Entrance Fee
Free Admission

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