Independent Art Book Fair
The fair has ceased. To further edition to come.
The Independent Art Book Fair is quite young show that opened in Downtown Los Angeles, a few years after the first launch of its sister fair, the Independent Art Book Fair NY. As the one in Brooklyn, this West coast edition is vibrant, welcoming and open to all visitors as the event has a free admission. It gathers publishers, bookmakers, illustrators and artists and it aims to share and promote the art forms. This fair offers attendees the chance to discover something different, a place where unexpected items can be uncovered. The exhibitors come from different background. Thus, local publishers and artists display work alongside international contributors. Additionally, the public can enjoy some exciting art performances, alongside book launches, signings and readings as well.
Info Independent Art Book Fair
939 E. 31st Street
Los Angeles, CA 90011
United States
No further edition planned
Entrance Fee

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