MIA Photo Fair
MIA Photo Fair is a not-to-be-missed art show when it comes to photography and video. Thus, the biggest fair of this kind in Italy attracts around 25,000 visitors annually in Milan. It usually takes place in March, a few weeks before miart. MIA was first launched in 2011 and has expanded over the years. Indeed, it now welcomes about 85 leading galleries from all over the world. With solo areas offering one booth to each artist and themed sections with curated work, there is a wide range of art to view and purchase. Additionally, prizes are awarded as part of the fair to support the emerging artists. Finally, a rich cultural programme offers education and exploration of the industry, with special guests and talks scheduled throughout the event.

Fabio Castelli shares his views!
Managing Director
MIA Photo Fair 2024
Superstudio Maxi
Via Moncucco, 35
20142 Milano MI
20121 Milano
March 2024
Entrance Fee
General Admission: €16
Reduced Rate: €12
Disable Attendants: €12
Children Under 14: Free

Insights MIA Photo Fair

Fabio Castelli
Managing Director
What would you say is the DNA of MIA Photo Fair?
MIA Fair focuses on photograhy as a contemporary art medium. MIA Fair shows photography at 360° from conceptual, to historical, from landscape to reportage photography. MIA Fair strongly promotes education on photography aiming at fostering art collections and creating a new and young collectors base which approaches contemporary art through the collection of photography.
What type of galleries are chosen to exhibit, and why?
All art galleries, from all over the world, which are involved in photography, considering both specialized galleries, which present just photography artists, and galleries devoted to the various contemporary art languages. All art galleries with quality projects dedicated to photography are welcome to submit their curatorial project to MIA Fair Selection Committee, not precluding young galleries. We want to provide to our public a wide range of art pieces and the best photography art projects available each year.
What is the price range of pieces? Who is the average buyer?
The majority of the art pieces on sale are in a range from €2,500 to €5,000, but there are also art works that may reach high prices around €50,000 – 100,000 (either vintage or high ranking established artists) and other art works produced by emergent artists at more affordable prices (around €1,000).
“MIA Fair shows photography at 360° from conceptual, to historical, from landscape to reportage photography.”

MIA Photo Fair © 29 Arts in Progress
Who is the typical attendee of MIA Photo Fair?
Last edition in 2019 MIA Fair welcomed approximately 25.000 visitors. MIA Fair is a catalyst for the interests of a heterogeneous public fascinated on whatever grounds by the world of photography, art, design and fashion, from art collectors to amateurs photographers. The visitors mainly consist of a medium-high target of collectors of contemporary art but also of a generalized public, for interest in photography characterizes all age brackets and social strata. MIA Fair public is a loyal community for whom MIA is an essential appointment in the art calendar.
What strategy – physical as digital – will you adopt in medium to long term?
We will invest in a new digital infrastructure aiming at a “PHYGITAL” strategy, by creating a online platform that may help galleries promote and engage in advance potential collectors presenting on line the art project which will be physically shown at MIA in order to sollicit potential buyers and initiate a negotiation.
What are two other art fairs you would suggest?
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